Grand Master Ekusa
Grand Master Ekusa
Master Ekusa has long been a staple of Bushido games. In fact, way back after UK Games Expo 2011 the Temple Starter blister with Ekusa sitting on his Tortoise, Kame Sam, was the miniature that got many players into Bushido.
Ekusa has changed a few times over the years. In previous editions, his Healing was a Ki Feat and he did not have Inspiration. He’s a difficult model to get right. He wants to sit at around his 22 Rice, we don’t want a “Budget Master”, they should all be significant profiles. However Ekusa is a support model and 22 Rice of support is hard to justify.
Luckily Ekusa has some tricks. Contemplate Existence is an amazing Ki Feat. For one action it removes ALL activation counters from an enemy. This is Temple’s only Opposed Ki Feat and they made it a good one! Being able to shut down an enemy model makes Ekusa’s Rice Cost a lot more bearable, knowing your opponent should also be playing down some rice.
Ekusa is then free to use his myriad support rules with his second action. Whether that is his Heal trait, Channel and Leach, providing Virtue Benefits or Inspiration, Ekusa can always find a way to help.
The resculpt is bigger (Ekusa found Kami Sam when she would fit on his outstretched hand, but this species of Tortoise never stops growing) and now on a 50mm base.
To facilitate this change, Ekusa will get Errata allowing him to go on 40mm or 50mm bases. This really has little difference in game and his “Size” will remain Medium. Temple could do with a little boost so allowing him a little extra Place Effect movement is fine I think.
You can see his investiture as Grand Master places Ekusa at the centre of the Temple’s Ki flows, he appears younger and more vibrant. He now levitates above a pool on Kame Sam’s back rather than sitting on her shell. What other powers does a Grand Master of the Temple possess? Why does the Temple avoid appointing to the position?
Well to answer one question, the new Ekusa model comes with an Enhancement Card. These new abilities really ramp up Ekusa's already formidable supporting powers to make him invaluable in almost any situation. He gains a Virtue Token himself which is nice. He also adds yet another Virtue Effect which gives a kind of Dirty Fighting Ki Feat effect.
The whole Warband will benefit from gaining Ki from Virtue Tokens too so expect to see Ekusa alongside Aiko in many lists! He also likes Kuma and Tsutsumi in his lists.
The final benefit can be hard to use but is phenomenal when employed correctly. Making a huge difference to Monks, who already generate and use the most Ki of any faction, the Believer Trait will let you boost for 1 Ki, reduce all Ki Feats cost by 1 and combined with the increased ki generation plus Ekusa’s Channel and Leech you should always have Ki to do whatever you need.
Ekusa was appointed Grand Master by a meeting of The Temple’s Masters (see further down this post). These conclaves are rare and Ekusa does not waste this opportunity. The Masters take to the field, showing their incomparable ability in the martial arts and in Ki Manipulation in the Theme Card packed with Ekusa: Masters of the Art.
This offers totally new warband options to Temple players and, while highly restrictive, each model should be able to do a lot of work every game!
You will likely only have 4 models in a Masters of the Art warband so victory will not be easy but the additional abilities this theme gives should even things a bit. The Focus, in this warband, will always be giving 3 Ki (And with Master Ekusa, you can put it anywhere you like!) which is almost a Moment of Enlightenment every turn.
Having all of the Special Attack and Defence options means your bluffing and mind games will be top level in every Melee Exchange. Plus Slam, Throw and Sweep on everyone is great for control. Finally with so few models, the once per game Tireless does wonders to help with your lack of activations.
We know a few players have had trouble getting an Ekusa model recently, so we are happy to release this resculpt. We don’t like to just do a resculpt and in this case the blister will come with the Grand Master of the Temple Card as well as the Masters of the Art Theme. We hope even those who already have the old model will be happy to upgrade and get the new cards.